D’Angelo, A. (2024). Machine Unlearning: Safeguarding Privacy and Security in AI Models; Technical Unviersity of Munich.
author = {D'Angelo, Andrea},
note = {Technical Unviersity of Munich},
publisher = {Machine Unlearning: Safeguarding Privacy and Security in AI Models},
year = {2024},
keywords = {invited},
file = {tum_talk.pdf}
D’Angelo, A. (2024). Privacy Implications in the
Training and Use of Large
Language Models; Territori Aperti, Napoli.
author = {D'Angelo, Andrea},
note = {Territori Aperti, Napoli},
publisher = {Privacy Implications in the
Training and Use of Large
Language Models},
year = {2024},
keywords = {invited},
file = {TA2024.pdf}
D’Angelo, A. (2023). Uncovering Gender Bias in Academia; AIGAP 2023 L’Aquila.